School News/Blogs

FCMA June 2024 Blog

Beating The Summer Slide

June 12, 2024
June means the start of a full and lively summer at Four Corners Montessori Academy. In anticipation of this time of rest and exploration, we also recognize the importance of keeping students engaged during the months away from school. Learning…
Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast Highlight

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast Highlights

June 3, 2024
Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast to honor the amazing individuals who generously give their time and effort to support our school. FCMA provided a delightful breakfast, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for…
Kids Heart Challenge Success

Kids Heart Challenge Success

May 31, 2024
Thank you to our wonderful Four Corners Montessori Academy community that raised over $8,000 and volunteered for the AHA Kids Heart Challenge. Alongside this year’s heart heroes, students learned about healthy hearts and life lessons like getting active, asking for…
Starting a School Garden

Starting a School Garden

May 15, 2024
Dear FCMA Community, The Peace Council is excited to announce our new climate action initiative: the creation of a school garden housed in a greenhouse on our campus. This green project aims to foster environmental stewardship, promote healthy eating habits,…
April is Poetry Month

April is Poetry Month

April 15, 2024
April is Poetry Month, and throughout the month classrooms will be focusing on reading and writing poetry. In addition to classroom activities, we will be hosting a school-wide Poetry Jam, which will happen during school hours on Thursday, April 25,…
FCMA students in New York attending the Montessori Model UN Conference

Montessori Model UN 2024

April 1, 2024
We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the nine outstanding students who represented our school at the March Montessori Model United Nations conference in New York! Their dedication, hard work, and passion for global issues have truly shone…
Perseverance Comes to Life

Perseverance Comes to Life

March 15, 2024
This month, students enjoyed lessons and works based on the character trait of perseverance. We define perseverance as “Keep trying even when it’s hard; hard work; using encouraging words and a positive attitude; being patient with yourself.”  “In school, the…
February Celebrations at Four Corners Montessori Academy

February Celebrations at Four Corners Montessori Academy

February 24, 2024
We have had a busy February at Four Corners Montessori Academy, with a visit to the Henry Ford Museum being one of the many highlights from this month. Students had the opportunity to explore and enjoy the exhibits ranging from…

Four Corners Montessori Academy Celebrates Board Appreciation Month

January 31, 2024
January marks the start of a new year and a new semester at Four Corners Montessori Academy, and it also signifies a time to recognize and appreciate vital members of our school community! As we celebrate School Board Appreciation Month,…
Taking a brain break this winter break with Four Corners Montessori Academy

Taking a “Brain Break” This Winter Break with Four Corners Montessori Academy

December 18, 2023
Winter Break is finally upon us at Four Corners Montessori Academy! As our students head home for the holidays, we couldn’t be more excited to see family and friends, relax and prepare for the last half of what has been…