
While technology was not a part of Dr. Montessori’s curriculum when it was developed over 100 years ago, today it has become an important tool in the lives of our students today.   Our goal is to educate children so that they reach their inherent potential and prepare our students for life; therefore, it is incumbent upon us to review technology as a tool in the Montessori classroom.


Students in the Pre-Primary and Early Elementary levels are developing skills critical to healthy brain function, such as eye-hand coordination, motor planning, memory and understanding the nuances of non-verbal cues.  All of these skills are best mastered trough real and concrete learning experiences.  In addition, the young child learn best when all senses are engaged in learning and experiences are both real and reciprocal in nature.  For these reasons, use of technology is limited in the classroom until students reach the  Upper Elementary level when technology is fully embraced as an effective teaching, research, and presentation tool.


Technology is implemented in the Lower Elementary program according to the developmental level and interests of the students.  At this level computers are used to learn computer basics, technology ethics, practice keyboarding skills and for research projects.


At Upper Elementary level students develop and master terminology and identification of key hardware components.  Teachers and children use technology as an extension of classroom resources and an avenue to practice and present skills learned in all areas of the curriculum.


  • Use of Typing Instructors for Kids program

Word Processing

  • Introduction of basic word processing skills
  • Formatting an outline

Spreadsheet Skills

  • Introduction to basic spreadsheet skills

Presentation Skills

  • Introduction to presentation skills


  • Use of various search engines in research

Internet Safety and Media Literacy


Technology enhances the Middle School curriculum by allowing teachers to present material in a more dynamic way and students to give back that information in a more engaging way.  It allows students to gain a broader, deeper and clearer understanding of curriculum.  After learning the basics of technology in Upper Elementary, the Middles School students put these skills to use.  Each classroom allows for a Mac computer for every student.

Much of the work started in the Upper Elementary continues in Middle School: lessons on internet safety, media literacy, graphics, and a wide variety of presentation skills.

In addition, students learn:

  • Use of search engines
  • Online safety and etiquette
  • Google docs
  • Prezi
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Electronic portfolios
  • Blogs
  • Robotics
  • iMovie